Rollitos de berenjena and Provolone Valpadana DOP sweet

Category: Entremeses
Difficulty: average


  • 200 g of sweet Provolone Valpadana DOP
  • 1 oval berenjena
  • 70 ml of chopped tomato
  • 1 garlic tooth
  • 150 g of breadcrumbs
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt, pimienta, fresh albahaca

How to make rollitos de berenjena and Provolone Valpadana DOP sweet

Wash and dry the berenjena carefully. Cut the tips and cut them to medium centimeter rods. Toss them with extra virgin olive oil and mix them in the breadcrumbs, making sure that the mixture adheres evenly to each piece.

Place the bottles on a hot paper-covered hoja and heat them for 15 minutes at 200°, giving them a turn for half the time. Sofreír el ajo con dos cucharas de aceite en un cazo.

Add the tomato sauce, adjust the salt and pepper, add some albahaca hojitas and make the tome taste good on low heat for 10 minutes. Stop the fire and get the air.

Shorten the Provolone Valpadana DOP sweet and tasty. Sacar of the horno the drinks and leave them to cool a little. Align them in the center with a little tomato sauce, place a slice of this in the center and tighten them with a stick to form the rolls.

Cook again for 10 minutes, until the food is well finished. Remove the horn, place on a serving plate, decorate with fresh albahaca and serve.

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