Public funding 2024

Public funding for the Provolone Valpadana Protection Consortium / Year 2024

Below is the information on public grants pursuant to art. 1 co. 125-129 of Law 4.8.2017 n. 124. received by the Provolone Valpadana Protection Consortium:

Codice intervento: SRG/10/0/AGRAL

Nome Intervento: Promozione prodotti di qualità – Prodotti agricoli e alimentari DOP-IGP-STG

Descrizione operazione: Partecipazione ad eventi, promozione tramite pubblicità radio e creazione di video ricette

Importo finanziato: 154.350,00 €

Iniziativa finanziata dal Complemento di sviluppo Rurale per il Veneto 2023-2027

Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Consortium for the protection of Provolone Valpadana

Autorità di gestione regionale: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Bonifica e Irrigazione

Below is the information on public grants pursuant to art. 1 co. 125-129 of Law 4.8.2017 n. 124. received by the Provolone Valpadana Protection Consortium:

25/03/2024 – AGEA – PREFINANCING Program n. 101138241 AGRI-SIMPLE-2023 Three-year project “THE ORIGINAL PROFILES OF QUALITY” (OPQ) € 224,000.00

04/03/2024 – Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana CUAA 00870400199 – Regional Law of Emilia-Romagna n. 16/95 – €7,560.00

03/04/2024 – MIMIT – Collective Trademark Notice 2022 – MISE/0293844 – €40,202.00

29/03/2024 – Lombardy Region – PSR 2014/2020 – Op. 3.2.01 – Promotion of quality products – €25,900.00

01/07/2020 – AGEA (leader of the Provolone Valpadana Protection Consortium project) – Reg. n. 1144/2014 EEQF Project – Internal EU – Third year deposit €385,086.26 (amount to be divided with the project partners)

01/07/2024 – AGEA – Program no. 101015643 PROVOLONE–AU–TC AGRI SIMPLE 2020 Three-year project “BORN TO BE AUTHENTIC PROVOLONE VALPADANA A CHEESE FROM EUROPE” – Third year deposit €88,457.70

The SRG10 intervention, financed in the 2023 – 2027 Rural Development Complement of the Lombardy Region, allowed the Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana to organize the “Cheeses and Smiles 2024” event, update and implement the website and social media, update the blog and promote Provolone Valpadana through radio and press advertising. The financial support received is equal to 191,555.00 euros (of which 77,963.00 euros of European Union co-financing, 79,514.00 euros of national co-financing, 34,078.00 of regional co-financing). For more information on funding opportunities, visit the EAFRD website
Lombardy Region
and the European Commission