2020 advertising campaigns
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The 2020 advertising campaign of Provolone Valpadana DOP It focuses on the dualism between the two typologies mild and spicy cheese.
The Consortium has focused the 2020 press campaign of Provolone Valpadana DOP on the clear identification of the two typologies that characterize it: the sweet one and the spicy one. It is extremely important to offer the consumer those elements of use that can encourage a more punctual use, to guarantee a more thoughtful appreciation.
To better direct the suggestions, the images have been characterized at different moments, to underline the diversity of taste and flavour that determines well differentiated and immediately perceptible moments of use.
This is the goal we set ourselves and the bodycopy exemplified what it meant.
Thus, if sweet is “the ingredient that seduces the palate”, the consumption of spicy food identifies “a moment of true flavour”.
While on the one hand the sweet Provolone Valpadana is presented as an ingredient in a sandwich, on the other hand, in the spicy version, the absolute protagonist is the cheese itself, in its most sought-after characteristic by connoisseurs.
In the third version, the concept of dualism is reiterated and condensed into a single claim that confirms how sweet is a perfect ingredient while spicy, with a stronger flavour, is instead suitable to be enjoyed “on its own”, or perhaps by choosing exclusive combinations.
A choice that suggests contexts and uses, visually rendered by the images on a black background, which further contribute to highlighting the two forms of Provolone Valpadana.
The press releases involved the most important and widely circulated national newspapers, as well as some industry magazines.

The dualism of flavors and uses between the two types of Provolone Valpadana is also a fundamental element in the two following videos (produced thanks to the contribution of the PSR 2014-2020 – Lombardy Region – GAL OGLIO PO) presented on all the official social channels of the Consortium.