Dairies producing Provolone Valpadana DOP

Dairies producing Provolone Valpadana DOP: a guarantee of quality that has been in line with the policies of the Consortium for more than 25 years

Since its foundation, the Consortium has set itself the ambitious goal of creating a quality standard, based on ethical values and on criteria of sharing and coherence.

“I feel I have to ask for everyone’s contribution so that the Consortium can really become the obvious representation of an ethical enterprise. Ethics is closely linked to a project, to a wise administration of time and resources.”

Ethical behaviour is such when man (or the Company), acts without forgetting the teachings of his predecessors, looking at the effects of his actions beyond the horizon of his own experience. Considering the Consortium as a family living in a building, it becomes easy to understand that no individual can really ignore the effects of his or her actions on others.

In the end, ethics is a qualified way of living coherently, knowing how to say no to the selfish temptations of the short term, having the courage to fight, without knowing the outcome, to achieve the objectives we set ourselves.”





The basic criteria for our manufacturing companies

Provolone Valpadana is a spun paste cheese that enjoys enormous versatility in terms of weights and sizes: more than any other product in the dairy industry, it has a wide variety of shapes and dimensions.

This aspect is given by the plasticity of the product and is decisive for the Provolone Valpadana producers, since all our master cheesemakers can enjoy the production of cheese in variable shapes and weights.

The shapes recognized by the Regulations

Although producers often delight the palate by putting their creativity into play by creating experimental shapes: (so to speak) of cheese, there are 4 forms recognized by our specification:

  • salami
  • melon/pear
  • truncated cone
  • flask

The expected weight of the above shapes can change from a few ounces to more than 100 kg.
In addition, our dairies distinguish between mild and spicy cheese, depending on the rennet used and their maturation period.

The brand, a fundamental and decisive detail

The final mark of quality is set by the consortium, with its green and gold cockade.

Seeing this symbol on the forms of Provolone Valpadana means being sure of the origin, raw materials and processing of that particular form of cheese.