Of recipes with the Provolone Valpadana there are so many of them, of all types and above all concerning every moment of the meal.
Provolone Valpadana is the stretched curd cheese that presents the greatest variety of shapes and weights of any other dairy product and this makes it one of the most used in the culinary field, in all its typologies, from sweet to spicy seasoned.
Who doesn't love pizza? A steaming pizza makes everyone happy!
To be enjoyed and prepared at home, treating yourself to a dinner with family or friends.
Let's go in order: a good appetizers based on our stretched cheese turns out to be a perfect combination and loved by all, our selection of appetizers and recipes with Provolone Valpadana prepares in the best way any situation you may encounter: whether it's a simple quick and light meal, or a special occasion in which you can also surprise your guests with Tasting techniques and tips for Provolone Valpadana.
It's not over, there are so many recipes with Provolone Valpadana and guess what? They also concern the sweets.
The ductility of our cheese allows it to be easily adapted to any use. Think of a soufflé, sweet ravioli, or even a simple end to the meal.
Moving on to the first, you will find in our section many tips to refer to and inspire you to make your dishes unique and unmistakable. Thanks to the presence of the two types of cheese, mild and spicy cheese, your first courses can be suitable for any moment.
Provolone Valpadana is so versatile that it is perfect for a simple snack, an afternoon break or a tasty, healthy and energetic snack.
Discover our inviting recipes for your sandwiches and, if this is not enough for you, our section sauces will help you be perfect with the use of Provolone Valpadana in the kitchen.
As for the seconds, the topic of recipes with Provolone Valpadana cheese becomes really broad. Our recipe corner dedicated to these courses offers really useful ideas: the ductility of the cheese makes the fillings unique. But we have also thought of vegetarian recipes, as a good second course is not only meat or fish.
GAL Oglio PO
Website created with FEASR co-financing
Information manager: Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana
Program Management Authority: Regione Lombardia
Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana
Piazza Marconi, 3
26100 Cremona (Italy)
Tel. +39 0372 30598
Paid-up share capital: €517,995.35
Registro imprese di Cremona N. CR-100170
VAT number IT00870400199
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