Pasta al horno with Provolone Valpadana DOP sweet, sausage and romero

Category: First dishes
Difficulty: easy


  • 250 g of sweet Provolone Valpadana DOP
  • 300 g of sausages
  • 2 large chalotas
  • 200 ml of white wine
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt and pimienta, fresh romero

How to cook pasta al horne with Provolone Valpadana DOP sweet, sausage and romero

Peel and slice the chalotas, place them in a sartén with 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and the hojitas of a romero branch, light the sweet flame. Restuff for five minutes, add the sausage and remove it with the ingredients of a Madeira tenderizer. Adjust the salt and pepper, leave to cook for one minute, add the white wine and let it evaporate and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Apay the fire.

Serve the pasta in plenty of salted water and cook it al dente. Place it in a saucepan with the sausage together with a medium jar of cocción water and sauté it for a couple of minutes.

Shorten the Provolone Valpadana DOP sweet to taquitos.

Pour the pasta into a pyrex dish and add half of the taquitos. Mix with the mixture, complete with the remaining queso and other fresh romero hojitas.

Horn at 200° for 10 minutes. Remove the horn, rest, cool and serve.

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