A spicy evening with Provolone Valpadana Dop
For a spicy evening that just thinking about it makes you blush, ideas from Provolone Valpadana Are you planning a romantic dinner that will literally leave you speechless?
Limpiar la col negra y la cebolleta y hervir durante 15 minutos en agua salada. Escurrir, teniendo cuidado de no tirar el agua de cocción, batir junto con dos cucharadas de aceite con la ayuda de una batidora de inmersión. Reservar. Ajustar la sal y la pimienta.
Cortar el boniato en taquitos y cocerlo junto con la pasta, en el agua previamente utilizada para la col negra y las cebolletas. Escurrir todo y condimentar con la crema de verduras.
Completar con el Provolone Valpadana D.O.P. picante curado en láminas y servir.
For a spicy evening that just thinking about it makes you blush, ideas from Provolone Valpadana Are you planning a romantic dinner that will literally leave you speechless?
For a romantic evening, hard to forget: the sweet advice of Provolone Valpadana Many people say it and it is probably true, to make yourself even more
Five most read autumn recipes on the Provolone Valpadana DOP website Autumn is coming. Everything around you is changing: the leaves are turning orange, the
GAL Oglio PO
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Information manager: Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana
Program Management Authority: Regione Lombardia
Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana
Piazza Marconi, 3
26100 Cremona (Italy)
Tel. +39 0372 30598
Paid-up share capital: €517,995.35
Registro imprese di Cremona N. CR-100170
VAT number IT00870400199
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