History of the Consortium
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The long history of the Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana committed to defending the quality and guarantor of the origin of the cheese
When we talk about the history of our Consortium it is obvious that the events that concern it are all Italian.
The Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana is a voluntary body, established in 1975 with the name of Consortium for the protection of Typical Italian Provolone.
Subsequently, in 1986 the name changed and it became the Consortium of the typical Provolone cheese and the registered office was transferred to the city of Cremona.
Again in 1993 it transformed into the Consorzio Tutela Provolone and then in 2002 became what it currently is, that is the Consorzio Tutela Provolone Valpadana.

In the now distant 19th century
However, the history of the Consortium itself begins around 19th century, when some of our compatriots, now expert cheesemakers, turned the abundance of cow's milk produced in northern Italy into a real cheese. Making use primarily of the renowned quality of the raw material, they exploited the numerous manufacturing techniques consolidated over the years to create a cheese to filate pasta good and one of a kind.
Over the years, the shapes of Provolone cheese have changed, as have the dimensions which saw the creation of pieces of even one quintal.
The history of the Consortium sees 1993 as a key year, since the denomination of origin "Valpadana" joins the term "provolone" and in 1996 the cheese finally obtains the coveted and deserved qualification of DOP.
Nowadays the use of Provolone Valpadana is common in all Italian cuisines, from north to south and this is synonymous with the versatility of the product. Our section recipes in fact, it offers numerous and innovative uses of Provolone Valpadana in the kitchen, come on first to the sweets.
How to become a member of the Consortium
Today, becoming members and actively taking part in the history of the Consortium is simple: I am producers the companies that reside in Provolone Valpadana production area delimited by the production specification and convert the milk collected exclusively in the aforementioned areas into Provolone Valpadana DOP
The Production regulations clearly explains the fundamental requirements, so that a producer can be certified by the control body and become part of the consortium.